Encouragement January 26, 2015 09:09
I was encouraged by a testimony that I read this morning and wanted to encourage you to share your Christian testimony with others. Fellow brothers and sisters in the faith can be strengthened and encouraged when hearing your testimony. As for me, when hearing how God is working in the lives of others, I glean strength and my joy is increased. Testimonies scream to others that the true and living God remains faithful and can be trusted. Here are some tips when testifying.
- Be honest (Avoid the temptation to add to your testimony to make it sound more radical). God doesn't need lies to make Him greater. Tell the story as it is/was.
- Glorify God, not sin. Some testimonies exalt a former lifestyle/behavior more than the God who saved them. The purpose of our testimony is to point others to God, not ourselves or former selves. Christ should be the shining star of our testimony.
- Remember the gospel. No testimony is complete without the gospel (Death, Burial, & Resurrection) of Christ. The gospel alone is the power of God for salvation.
I pray that God will use your words of testimony to glorify Himself, encourage saints, and convict sinners.