Paraclete Tees Blog
Breaking The Ice With a Christian T-Shirt March 25, 2015 14:36
The Cambridge Idioms Dictionary defines the term "Break the Ice" as: To make people who have not met before feel more relaxed with each other. Icebreakers are a valuable tool for the Christian who takes the Great Commission seriously. I have used (and currently still do) gospel tracts as icebreakers from "Living Waters" and "One Million Tracts" for several years.
The T-Shirt pictured above has sparked (as of today) nearly 800 posts in one week on our Tumblr blog. The interaction on that picture gives proof that T-Shirts are a good choice to help break the ice for a conversation about the personhood of children forming in the wombs of pregnant women. While some would be upset with the negative comments, threats, and name calling, we are elated that God would use this simple T-Shirt to create the opportunity to share God's truth regarding the lives of the unborn.
One of Paraclete Tees goals is to create unique designs to help it's customers communicate a Christian worldview. Let us help you bring awareness to the bloodshed of over 57 MILLION innocent children in the wombs of their mother. Get your Pro Life t-shirt at our online store and pray that the opportunity arises for you to discuss this matter with someone every time you wear it.
We pray that the time will come that this Pro Life T-Shirt will not be needed. But until that time comes, Paraclete Tees is committed to come alongside you by providing Christian T-Shirts that are Bold, Unique, and Doctrinally sound.
Do Something! February 14, 2015 16:12
I had the opportunity to attend the men's fellowship at my local church Calvary Revival Church Chesapeake this morning. The topic of discussion was the Sanctity of Life. The Executive Pastor very simply shared scriptures with the men to show the stance of the True and Living God on this subject. God's word is crystal clear on this subject.
#1: What is found developing in the wombs of pregnant women is indeed a person. While pro-choice legislators and supporters trivialize this point, we can trust the words found in the Bible that proclaim this fact. (Genesis 25:22, Judges 13:7, Jeremiah 1:5, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:15)
#2: This is not simply a "Women's" issue. Many men shy away from this subject and this MUST change. I don't have all the answers why... Maybe there is fear of retribution from feminists.? Maybe it's because of ignorance of the issue? Men... Especially Christian men must open their mouths to be a voice for the voiceless. By God's design, men are charged to be protectors (Genesis 2).
#3: The Church must do SOMETHING! When I say church, I'm not referring solely to the "institution". I'm referring to the individual members of the body of Christ. Some will stand in front of abortion clinics to plead for the lives of the unborn. Some will stand in front of these clinics and pray. Some will stand in front of these clinics and hand out gospel tracts. Some will use their social media accounts to bring awareness. Some will wear the #AllLivesMatter T-Shirt from Paraclete Tees. Some will volunteer or donate to a Christ centered pregnancy center like Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater or the Morning Center of Memphis. Some will make themselves available to adopt a child or children. Some churches will participate in Sanctity of Life Sunday. Some churches will host designated times of prayer. This is not at all an exhaustive list of practical things that can be done. The spirit of the list is to encourage the church to do something. God may have burdened your heart to serve in a particular way. Be obedient!
May God awaken His church in the United States. May God stir the hearts of men to take the lead and protect the most innocent of us. May fear not be found among us.
Do All to the Glory of God! February 2, 2015 12:25
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
This particular scripture is part of a letter sent from Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth. He is informing his readers when it would be lawful for Christians to eat food sacrificed to idols. When reading this passage in context (I would suggest verses 23-33), it is clear that this verse speaks specifically on matters regarding food. However, the principle seen is applicable for all spheres of life: in families, vocation, politics, culture, expressions of art, government, business, education, friendships, etc.
A glance at the landscape of the United States will show us that the prevailing worldview is directly opposite of this principle. The prevailing worldview has the often heard mantras: "It's all about me", "You Only Live Once", "Do You", and "Let me Live". These sayings reveal a heart that is self absorbed with no concern or thought of their creator and judge.
The Westminister divines got it right when stating that the primary purpose of man is to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. While Paul's letter was directly written to the church in Corinth and indirectly to the Universal church across all ages, the principle applies to everyone created by God.
Search yourself. Are you falling short in this area? The honest person will admit that there are indeed some areas and times that we can improve upon. The Christian's motivation for glorifying God is not so that we can get something. The Christian simply realizes that God is worthy of ALL glory simply because He is GOD! Let the fact that He is God be your motivation for glorifying Him in all spheres of life.
May God awaken the sleeping church in the United States. May God help the church to see Him as high and lifted up... Worthy of worship and honor in all spheres of life. May God give the church boldness to declare that that life is about Him and not us.