About Paraclete Tees
What is a "Paraclete"?
We have gotten this question often since our inception. The word Paraclete is derived from the Greek "Paraklētos". A designation of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7), it describes one of His functions "summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid". Paraclete Tees comes alongside to help the church communicate a Christian worldview with: Bold, Unique, and Doctrinally Sound Christian T-shirts.
Who is Paraclete Tees?
Paraclete Tees launched for business in January 2015. We are a family owned and operated business based in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Our Mission
Paraclete Tees exists to glorify the True & Living God by providing: Bold, Unique, and Doctrinally Sound Christian T-Shirts.
Our Promises
1. We will honor God by always be honest in our dealings with customers.
2. We will honor God by charging our customers a fair price.
3. We will honor God by being good stewards of the wealth He entrusts us with.
4. We will honor God by cheerfully giving a portion of our profits to support the local church and other Christian ministries as we choose.